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Filterizor Q Pro Audio Plugin

2D/3D Multi Channel Equalizer, Filter & Effect Audio Plug-In

System requirements:
x64 Windows 10 - 11 VST® 2/3, AAX (ProTools Native)
x64 macOS 10.11 – 12 VST® 2/3, AU, AAX (ProTools Native)
16-32 bits sample resolution @ 44.1–192 kHz sample rate
Minimal 2 GB RAM & C2D 2.66 Ghz / 4 GB RAM & i5 and better recommended for multi channel usage and 3D functions
You need a DAW host software to use this audio plugin !

The digital single user not for resale license will be sent to you via e-mail within one day, please contact Sugar Audio for educational and other license models.



USD 79.95
Tax United States (0%):
USD 0.00
Total amount:
USD 79.95
USD 79.95
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from 03/12/2025 on