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Journey To Subconscious, Vol 1 - 432 Hz Music

Over 80 minutes non-stop 432 Hz Music , in a 60 bpm rhythm - according to the heart speed. Perfect for meditation, trance, hypnosis, yoga

432 Hz Music can balance our brain hemisphere and that way strengthen emotional stability. It may help to enhance our spiritual development. And even more: With the sometimes called “sun sound” of 432 Hz we resonate with nature’s phi spiral which we find in almost all forms of life.


Journey To Subconscious, Vol 2 - 432 Hz Music

The journey continues... 65 minutes non-stop 432 Hz Music with nature sounds , in a 60 bpm rhythm - according to the heart speed. Perfect for meditation, trance, hypnosis, yoga. Featuring piano, flute and jungle sounds...

  • Use this music for a long meditation without interruptions.
  • Use this music during massage therapy, hypnotherapy, autosuggestive therapy...

432 Hz Music can balance our brain hemisphere and that way strengthen emotional stability. It may help to enhance our spiritual development. And even more: With the sometimes called “sun sound” of 432 Hz we resonate with nature’s phi spiral which we find in almost all forms of life.

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from 11/12/2024 on