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Beloved Stories - Airy Preset Collection


This Set is created to make you see the power of slightly different and atmospheric tones. These colors are unique and will make your workflow much easier.  The collection is airy, soft, bright and colorful. It counts 1 black and white and 12 color presets for Lightroom & Photoshop. You will find 6 basic presets and in addition, their direct sun version. For the ones who love their images with more contrast – you can use the direct sun presets. It’s definitely the perfect vivid collection for couple and portrait sessions. But whether you had an adventurous elopement, an intimate couple session or a wedding – you will be able to use this collection and get the image look that you desire. 


  • 13 Presets for Lightroom
  • 13 Presets for Photoshop (Camera RAW)


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