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Magnetmotor Complete Package Edition 2024

You will immediately receive the download links by e-mail, no matter at what time and you can download everything immediately! Multilanguage!

You'll get included:
Including the worldwide dealer list edition 2023 with which you can also buy finished magnetic motors and kits with price and source information worldwide
Premium magnet motor 3D models and Friedrich Lüling 3D model including 3D printer files.
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Magnetmotor step by step video tutorial

The newest Tesla building plan 2022 with 6.190 sites and detailed descriptions of Tesla coils, transformers with all 111 patents, picture material, building instructions, original and secret fonts, 3D CAD drawings and much more.

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ONLY Today! Regular Price: $197 TODAY Only $37 Dollar - Over 81% Discount


magnet motor

Magnetmotor complete package with further 1,290 pages

Step by Step manuals for the construction of various magnetic motors

Basic structure and further detailed information about magnetic motors

3D CAD modells and 3D drawings in Deluxe Version so that you can always compare and measure!

Material list, tools and shopping list - What exactly is needed so that you don't waste any time!

And you'll get a bonus on top of that:

The original patent specifications of Muammer Yildiz in English! (Also very well suitable to rebuild)

Magnetic motor Test results and test measurements in KW Specification

User Manual of Don Kelly's Free Energy Devices!

Further 4,585 pages of patent specifications for further magnet motors!

Everything in digital edition ! Total 15.280 pages

 This is a one-time purchase. There are NO monthly fees

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150% Risk-free! 60 Days Money Back Guarantee! And if you don't like it, you can cancel it at any time by e-mail and still keep the product!

Only 6 accesses available!
12 people are looking at this offer right now


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from 03/13/2025 on