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forever living rich

In this book you will find …

a promise to the readers that they can live richly forever – no more, but no less. He won’t promise them anything else. The terms “rich” and “wealth” are neither static nor generally binding.

They only describe a state and not a value. Each reader defines this for himself/herself and nobody else. Therefore, the author Rolf Kipp does not promise with a single syllable that all his readers will soon earn six figures a month just because they have read his guide. But you could, if you really wanted…

But that’s not what it’s about. Because the self-made entrepreneur does not know his readers personally, he simply cannot know how each of them defines “richness” for themselves. If you want to experience forever living rich! and currently earn €3,000 net, for example, an additional monthly income of €1,000 can be the fulfilment. On the other hand, those who earn €10,000 a month may have to earn the same amount before they feel “rich”. Two people, two souls, two goals. That is how the statements in this unique guide must be understood. Everyone defines for themselves a very personal level of wealth.

The author shows his readers a way to achieve their financial goals. Those who are willing to take the necessary steps and pay a price for them will be able to achieve their goals without any ifs or buts. That is a promise. That’s what this book stands for. The price that readers have to pay for their wealth is borne entirely by them in the form of their commitment. Reading alone will not change their financial situation but rather only the implementation of what they have read. And: The higher the financial goals and desires, the more the individual must do for it. Nothing comes from nothing.

Or, as another saying goes: life is what you make it. This guide can lead the reader not only to financial independence but also a self-determined life.

From the author’s point of view, to live such a life is a birth right. And yet so many people work only for others. They have thus decided to fulfil the dreams of others but not their own. Those who exchange their lifetimes for working time will never become millionaires on their own. Time is finite! 

On the other hand, those who use their time and resources for themselves and skilfully potentiate them will be able to achieve all of their financial goals. Rolf Kipp would like nothing more than for his readers to live their dreams. 

This is the goal of his practice guide with the concentrated knowledge from over 25 years of professional experience as an independent entrepreneur. Rolf Kipp has personally experienced what he writes about. That’s what made him a multimillionaire. He is currently one of the most successful networkers in Europe and has over four million partners worldwide. His accumulated expertise can enrich every reader in the truest sense of the word.

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from 05/19/2024 on