eBook: Your Guide to Guide - Field Guide Level 1
The all-in-one ebook for Field Guide Level 1 (NQF2)
You are going on an Field Guide Level 1 Course? This eBook will be your best friend through it.
Recommended & proofed by EcoTraining.
Our promise to you:
You will save money on equipment, books and apps. Have much more time during the course and get better results in the assessments with this preparations.
Satisfication or Money back
If you are not 100% satisfied with your eBook in the first 60-days after purchase you will get your money back. We believe in sincerity and pursuit of satisfaction of our customers. There is no risk for you.
What you will get:
Preparations: What do you need and how can you prepare?
Insights: What to expect from Camps and course? What assessments you will have and how be prepared for them?
Lectures: Compact information and support to connect the dots and understand each module.
Flashcards: Learn with over 200 pre-made flashcards easily for your assessments.
Support: You can always contact us, before or during the course. In our facebook group you can also connect to other future field guide like you.
Updates: No matter when your course starts, we will update the ebook with new syllabus and keep it up to date for you.
Freebies: Like Frog or Alarm Calls will be received via our Newsletter per e-Mail. 100 % free & no spam.
It is really the all-in-one book you need on a field guide level 1 course with EcoTraining.
Disclaimer: All the information in this eBook belongs to our course in September/October 2019. We try as good as possible to update this guide and hold the course content up to date. Anyway we cannot guarantee that all the information is and stays valid. Please check together with your Learner Training Guide that you will receive at the first day in camp about the course syllabus and official content of your particular course.
Course in Kenya (Mara): For field guide courses in Kenya the species list can differ from the Southern African species and hence from the ebook flashcards II. for animals and plants. Please contact us in this case, we are happy to support you.
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