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Kubernetes 101 - eBook Bundle

Kubernetes 101 - eBook Bundle


      1) Introduction to Kubernetes

      2) Kubernetes Components explained

      3) Kubernetes Architecture explained 

1. Introduction to Kubernetes - What is Kubernetes? (13 pages)

In the first e-book you get a great overview of what Kubernetes actually is and what problems it solves? I cover Kubernetes basic architecture and concepts, like Kubernetes Pods and Services.

You will learn:

  • What problems does Kubernetes solve?
  • What features do container orchestration tools offer?
  • Basic architecture: Master-Worker nodes and their Kubernetes processes
  • Basic concepts: Pods, Containers, Services. What is the role of each?
  • Example Configuration File

2. Kubernetes Components explained (16 pages)

Most basic Kubernetes components explained. Just enough to get you started using Kubernetes in practice as a devops engineer or software developer.

Kubernetes has tons of components, but most of the time you are only working with a handful of them. This e-book shows you step by step how each component helps you to deploy your application and what the role of each of those components is.
You will learn:
  • Node and Pod
  • Service and Ingress
  • ConfigMap and Secret
  • Volumes
  • Deployment and StatefulSet
  • Main K8s components summarized

3. Kubernetes Architecture explained (13 pages)

Understand the Kubernetes Architecture - Master and Worker Nodes, which make up the Kubernetes cluster. What is the difference between them and what role each has?
You will learn:
  • Worker Nodes - 3 Node Processes:
    • Container Runtime
    • Kubelet
    • Kube-proxy
  • Control Plane Nodes - 4 Control Plane Processes
    • Api Server
    • Scheduler
    • Controller Manager
    • etcd - the cluster brain
  • Example cluster setup
USD 19.00
USD 19.00
USD 19.00
USD 19.00
Tax United States (0%):
USD 0.00
Total amount:
USD 19.00
USD 19.00


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from 08/26/2024 on