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Psychtoolbox Support Membership

With the purchase of this product, you will receive a membership signet and an individual license key* that can be used to request expert priority support on Psychtoolbox related questions, issues, or bugs**. The license key entitles you to a maximum of 30 minutes of our specialists’ work time, valid for 12 months from the purchase date. You can ask questions or report issues via our public online forum, or via our public GitHub issue tracker (a “support incident”).
Exactly how to use the license key is explained on
Support will typically be provided within two German business days.

If our specialist determines that resolving your support incident requires more than the allotted 30 minutes, they will ask you to purchase a specific amount of the “Psychtoolbox Paid Support”-product to receive further support on that specific ongoing support incident. Depending on the time since your purchase of your “Psychtoolbox Support Membership”, you might be eligible to receive a discount code for your “Psychtoolbox Paid Support” purchase. (10% discount after 3 months’ membership, 25% discount after 6 months’ membership, 40% discount after months’ membership).
Memberships and license keys expire 12 months after the purchase date. The associated discounts also expire 12 months after the membership purchase date, unless the membership is renewed*** within one month, extending their validity for the duration of the renewed membership.

At the end of the order process, you will receive an official invoice (private users and labs).

Labs who wish to document their partnership with the Psychtoolbox project have permission to use the provided Psychtoolbox membership signet to communicate this status in their media and communication strategy.

Unused membership fees contribute to general maintenance of Psychtoolbox, as well as to feature development and improvement.

(* key activation typically takes 5-10 working days from the date of receipt of payment)
(** for currently supported and recommended types and versions of operating systems and recommended hardware, with the most current Psychtoolbox version)
(*** Memberships can be purchased with automatic yearly renewal, or you can buy a new one-year membership within one month of the expiry of the old membership. We will ask for proof of purchase of the old membership to check for eligibility of a carried over discount.)

Tax United States (0%):
Total amount:
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Payment plan Community Member Signet

Please check a payment box to complete your order:

Further information

Do you want to take part in the annual survey in order to shape the future of Psychtoolbox?
If yes -  click the corresponding checkbox to confirm. 

Are you a lab that wants to express its partnership on If yes, please click the corresponding checkbox.



* Required

Payment options

No additional costs with this payment method

Yearly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on an annual basis. Incl. taxes
Yearly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT]. Cancellable on an annual basis. Incl. taxes
Yearly only [OTHER_AMOUNTS]
Easy payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS] yearly. Cancellable on an annual basis.
Pay [1ST_AMOUNT] now and then yearly [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on an annual basis.
from 02/12/2026 on
Digistore24 will send you an email on 02/12/2026 in good time before the first payment.
One-time payment of [1ST_AMOUNT]
One payment takes care of everything.
from 03/12/2025 on