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1x1 Guru Access - *Launch Offer*

Learning multiplication tables with innovative learning technique, through mental visualization, multiplication tables can be learned autonomously, easily and with a lot of fun.

It is a unique and innovative learning method that represents a revolution for the tedious learning of multiplications.

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Payment plan

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Payment options

No additional costs with this payment method

Private License

This license entitles you as a private licensee or as family to access for life.


from 06/07/2024 on
Yearly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on an annual basis.
Yearly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT]. Cancellable on an annual basis.
School License

The license entitles the school as licensee to access the 1x1 Guru member area and authorizes them to distribute the learning material within the school. Annual billing - can be cancelled at any time. (Please register as a company)


The license entitles the school as licensee to access the 1x1 Guru member area and authorizes them to distribute the learning material within the school. Annual billing - can be cancelled at any time. (Please register as a company)


from 05/07/2025 on
Digistore24 will send you an email on 05/07/2025 in good time before the first payment.
Yearly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on an annual basis.
Yearly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT]. Cancellable on an annual basis.
Class License

The license gives you as a teacher / education worker access to 1x1 Guru and entitles you to distribute the learning material within your class. Annual billing - can be cancelled at any time. (max. 30 children)




The license gives you as a teacher / education worker access to 1x1 Guru and entitles you to distribute the learning material within your class. Annual billing - can be cancelled at any time. (max. 30 children)




from 05/07/2025 on
Digistore24 will send you an email on 05/07/2025 in good time before the first payment.