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About Babette Teschen » Online Courses


A Course in Lunging:

Master Healthy Lunging
online seminar
submodule 1
↑ included in Starter Bundle


Understanding Horse Movement
online seminar
submodule 2


Solving Lunging Problems
online seminar
submodule 3


Lunging meets Markertraining
online seminar
submodule 4


Lunging Riding Figures
online seminar
submodule 5


Lateral Movements
online seminar
submodule 6

Product description:


39,00 €
39,00 €

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Starter Course Bundle in Lunging


The STARTER COURSE BUNDLE is a self-study online course in Lunging Horses

It consists of an e-book & online seminar & a media library. 


This is what you get

  • Lunging Horses E-Book - 180 pages
  • "Master Healthy Lunging" - online seminar
    ≈ submodule 1 of 6
  • Access to our media library with many videos explaining the exercises and lectures, and additional texts for downloading
  • Thorough information about the anatomical interrelations you need to know for lungeing
  • Practical explanations and exercises for teaching your horse correct movement on a circle from the beginning
  • Concrete help and ideas for solving frequently encountered problems
  • Extended exercises and ideas for intermediates


Bonus: Many extras about physiotherapy and acupressure in connection with the Lungeing Course


Refund Policy: You have 60 days to return your order!


Babette Teschen



A really excellent course. Interesting for me, as a trainer, to read, as the course confirmed my determination to continue my opposition to the thankless business of lungeing on a bit and the tying up and packaging of horses with sidereins etc. and to continue to explain to people why. Through the course I have learnt many more good reasons for my opinion – to the benefit of horses – thank you so much!!! Karolin Evers


Thank you for your wonderful work. I am busy every day with your new course and my horses are grateful for it. I find the new explanations sooooo helpful!! A lot of the connections have really fitted into place now, which they hadn’t before. My ability to see things has really improved as aresult. THANKS!!! Claudia


Thank you so much for the course! And thank you so much for the comprehensive and painstaking pulling together of all your material. I had feared that perhaps there scarcely were any other horse lovers that were really interested in lungeing properly. I have tried for years to go on courses given by various trainers to get my horse to lunge properly and in a way which suits its make up and not just “send it round in circles”. Even with renowned trainers I did not find what your course offers – as it is normally the case that the best people do not want to give away their specialist knowledge. At least, that has been my experience up to now. Many thanks and all best wishes, Kathy Asmuß

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