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commeo Multi Send PREMIUM upgrade

The commeo Multi Send is a handheld transmitter for central control of SELVE radio drives and receivers for roller shutters and awnings in the home. 

You can upgrade the handheld transmitter using the key code for the commeo Multi Send PREMIUM version. Enter the key code at the corresponding point in the commeo MultiSend KonfigTool. You can find more detailed information in the confirmation mail that you receive after purchase.

The best features of the PREMIUM version:

- Control 32 channels (instead of 20)
- Control 16 groups (instead of 10)
- Set up to 4 switching times per group (instead of 2)
- Calendar function “holidays/public holidays”
- Display current position (image and percentage value)

The commeo Multi Send is developed and produced in Germany by SELVE GmbH & Co. KG, based in Lüdenscheid, North Rhine-Westphalia. 

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Seriennummer Ihres commeo Multi Sends

Geben Sie hier die (digitale) Seriennummer Ihres commeo Multi Sends ein. Sie finden diese entweder direkt im Gerätemenü unter "MENÜ" > "INFO" > "ID" oder im commeo KonfigTool unter "UPDATE".

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from 03/10/2025 on