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1y membership (=Expert) for business

1 Account - up to 5 users - 1 year of news

= access to all our content behind the paywall for you and your collegues.

  • Up to 5 users possible - each user with a personal, unique login;
  • First select the number of accounts you need above;
  • After filling in your data/payment details below, you will be automatically redirected to a page to fill in the E-Mail addresses of all the people for who you order an account. Each person will then get his/her own login data within 10 minutes;

Free trial period

  • The first month = free trial period - Your payment is processed one month after you place your order, to give you time to look around. During the first month you can cancel anytime - free of charge.

You get a lot

It is simple

  • You get access instantly, see your email inbox.

  • Not for you? We refund your money up to 60 days after the payment.

  • After 6 months, your subscription renews automatically.

  • For questions and remarks, you can always email us

No risk: The first payment is made after 1 month. After that, the money-back guarantee for this product is 60 days.

VAT United States (0%):
Total amount:


* Required

Payment options

No additional costs with this payment method


Volume discount

Buy 2 more units to get the discount

from 2 units: €69.50 per unit+ €69.50 yearly= 22% discount
from 3 units: €63.00 per unit+ €63.00 yearly= 29% discount
from 4 units: €59.75 per unit+ €59.75 yearly= 33% discount
from 5 units: €57.80 per unit+ €57.80 yearly= 35% discount
from 6 units: €55.10 per unit+ €55.10 yearly= 38% discount
from 7 units: €53.40 per unit+ €53.40 yearly= 40% discount
Yearly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. First payment on 05/26/2024. Cancellable on an annual basis.
Yearly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. First payment of [1ST_AMOUNT] on 05/26/2024. Cancellable on an annual basis.
Yearly only [OTHER_AMOUNTS]
Starting from 05/26/2024 easy payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS] yearly. Cancellable on an annual basis.
Pay [1ST_AMOUNT] on 05/26/2024 and then yearly [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on an annual basis.
from 05/26/2025 on