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My Drums Alive - Instructor Portal

Hallo Instructor,

Nur für Dich: Das virtuelle Drums Alive® Studio 24 Stunden Tag - 7 Tage die Woche - erreichbar. Inklusive Live-Sessions!

Das Abo beinhaltet :

  • Videos aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen mit den besten Trainerinnen und Trainern
  • Übungsvideos in allen Schwierigkeitsgraden
  • Videos in unterschiedlichen Länge
  • Videos mit und ohne Drumset 
  • Webinars unterstützend für deine Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
  • Basic-Videos zum Ausprobieren und Üben
  • sorgt für allgemeines Glücksgefühl
  • Burnoutprophylaxe
  • ideal bei Depressionen
  • ideal bei chronischen Schmerzen
  • vermindert Stress
  • hebt die Stimmung
  • beliebt bei Alzheimer-Patienten
  • stärkt das natürliche Immunsystem
  • beliebt bei Parkinson-Patienten
  • verbessert athletische Fähigkeiten
  • keine lange Vertragsbindung - zur Kündigung reicht eine kurze Mail an
  • mehrere 1:1 Live-Sessions per Videocall (z. Zt. Zoom) zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten in der Woche
    Du kannst Deine Kamera ein- oder ausschalten.

Hier kannst Du Dir Inhalt für Deine Stunden zu Hause heraussuchen oder Dein Training für Dich gestalten.

Erlebe die Live-Sessions und Video-Trainings an denen Du jederzeit teilnehmen kannst.




VAT included

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* Required

Payment options

No additional costs with this payment method

First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT]. Then starting from 03/03/2025 monthly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a monthly basis. Incl. taxes
First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT]. Then starting from 03/03/2025 monthly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a monthly basis. Incl. taxes
First payment only [1ST_AMOUNT]
Pay [1ST_AMOUNT] now and from 03/03/2025 on monthly [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a monthly basis.
Pay [1ST_AMOUNT] now and from 03/03/2025 on monthly [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a monthly basis.
from 03/03/2025 on
First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT]. Then starting from 03/03/2025 payments every six months of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a semi-annual basis. Incl. taxes
First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT]. Then starting from 03/03/2025 payments every six months of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a semi-annual basis. Incl. taxes
First payment only [1ST_AMOUNT]
Pay [1ST_AMOUNT] now and then evvery 6 months [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a semi-annual basis.
Pay [1ST_AMOUNT] now and then evvery 6 months [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a semi-annual basis.
every 6 months
every 6 months
from 03/03/2025 on
First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT]. Then starting from 03/03/2025 yearly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on an annual basis. Incl. taxes
First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT]. Then starting from 03/03/2025 yearly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on an annual basis. Incl. taxes
First payment only [1ST_AMOUNT]
Pay [1ST_AMOUNT] now and then evvery 12 months [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on an annual basis.
Pay [1ST_AMOUNT] now and then evvery 12 months [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on an annual basis.
from 03/03/2025 on