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About Babette Teschen » Online Courses


A Course in Lunging:

Master Healthy Lunging
online seminar
submodule 1
↑ included in Starter Bundle


Understanding Horse Movement
online seminar
submodule 2


Solving Lunging Problems
online seminar
submodule 3


Lunging meets Markertraining
online seminar
submodule 4


Lunging Riding Figures
online seminar
submodule 5


Lateral Movements
online seminar
submodule 6

Product description:


39,00 €
39,00 €

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Online Seminar | Lunging meets Markertraining

"Lungeing" meets Marker Training

4. Submodule 


In this online seminar you will learn:

  • Conditioning to the marker
  • Politeness (“anti begging training”)
  • Proper treat training
  • Usage of targets
  • Explanation of aids
  • Basic exercises of the Course in Lungeing (first with cavesson, then in liberty)


If you are looking for a way to teach your horse healthy movement patterns in a friendly and fun way: This one’s for you!

You will learn how to introduce your horse to lungeing via positive reinforcement. Using a marker signal and feeding praise during training gives you the chance to reward your horse immediately when it shows the desired behavior or movement.

With the help of marker training your horse will be highly motivated and will enjoy working with you so much more.

Having good communication skills with any horse is our goal. Our horses will become masters in reading our body language and therefore will be able to perform diverse riding figures in a healthy manner.



Refund Policy: You have 60 days to return your order!


Babette Teschen



Dear Babette, many thanks for yesterday's online seminar. As a beginner, it was amazing to get so many interesting and science based things explained in an easy manner. At no moment did it feel boring.
Your vivid way to explain everything step by step made me feel like being in the arena with you. 
I greatly appreciate the recording too. Since I wasn't as lucky to participate in your course, I now have the chance to watch the recording anytime. 
by Michaela
Hello Babette, two weeks ago I participated in your online seminar "Master healthy lungeing". 
In the beginning I was quite skeptical about joining an online course. My doubts were erased, asI I absolutely loved it. 
Sitting in front of my laptop helped me to fully concentrate on your talk without being distracted by noises or questions. 
I especially like the fact that the recording has no time limit and provides bonus material. That way I can rewatch it, if needed. 
I enjoyed the descriptive videos and pictures a lot. I am a visual and auditory learner and not so much a bookworm. In my opinion the price is fair. 
Many thanks for the online seminar. I am happy I was able to virtually "meet" you that way. 
by Ute


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from 02/24/2025 on