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Advanced Shamanic Skills August 2022

Advanced Shamanic Skills

This shamanic training is to support practitioners of energy medicine with the information and tools you need to work with difficult cases and heavy energies.  To do this the practitioner must penetrate through even deeper layers of his/her own healing journey.  We learn to work more deeply to cultivate our shamanic protections by:

  •  truly understanding the power of opening sacred space and the wiracocha.
  •  revisiting and strengthening breathing techniques, 
  • reinforcing the importance of our return to the Garden of Eden 
  • resetting our own fight or flight instinct
  • growing a new body that will support our transition to homo luminous
  • journeying to a library in the lower world to rid ourselves from ancestral curses
Program starts: August 22, 2022


USD 1,398.00
Tax United States (0%):
USD 0.00
Total amount:
USD 1,398.00
USD 1,398.00
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