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Maja Doesn't Feel Right There Anymore

Do you ever feel like Maja?

Maja is 12 years old and suffers again and again from a strange experience. Then it seems to her as if she is not there at all. And, as if the world around her didn't exist.

Depersonalization-Derealization is the name of her illness and Maja believes that she will go crazy soon. Finally, she has the courage to talk to her parents and she starts a psychotherapy. Slowly but surely, she is getting better.


An information and workbook for children and young people with Depersonalization and Derealization


From the contents:

Depersonalization and Derealization - what is that?

How do you feel about Depersonalization and Derealization?

What helps with Depersonalization and Derealization?

Psychotherapy for Depersonalization and Derealization 

Overcoming Depersonalization and Derealization  


With many worksheets and instructions for self-help.

6,12 €
MwSt USA (0%):
0,00 €
6,12 €
6,12 €


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ab dem 18.05.2024