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Bee Health Compendium


The Bee Health Compendium gives you the foundation for honey bee health. You won't need to think of all the details with the fear of forgetting anything. Because you'll know what you need for good practices. And you will have the necessary skills for recognizing the misinformation. This makes things fall into place.


Some points you will learn about:


  • Why we need a more holistic view of bee health. If you see it from this perspective, you recognize more easily what's going wrong.
  • How good practices support honey bee health. Honey bees are managed animals, your practices are the largest influence on their health.
  • The basics about honey bee diseases and how to control them. It's not only about varroa mites.
  • How good nutrition looks like for bees. Nutrition is the overarching principle of honey bee health. And often neglected.


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from 08/26/2024 on