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MKI MESA Carriers

Munay-Ki for Mesa Carriers

is a 4-week course specially designed for Online Energy Medicine graduates, inviting you to go beyond Rite transmission to deeply embody Munay-Ki wisdom for profound inner transformation.

This course offers a fresh format with no repeating content from Online Energy Medicine, featuring brand new video teachings guided by Qero shamans at sacred Andean sites, providing an immersive experience into the origins of Munay Ki..

USD 1,520.00
Tax United States (0%):
USD 0.00
Total amount:
USD 1,520.00
USD 1,520.00


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from 01/07/2025 on
Installment payment with four monthly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Installment price is [TOTAL_AMOUNT]. Incl. VAT
Installment payment with four installments. First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT].
Three monthly follow-up payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Installment price is [TOTAL_AMOUNT]. Incl. VAT
4 Easy payments of [AMOUNT]
[1ST_AMOUNT] is billed now. Three more payments will be billed monthly from 01/07/2025. Total amount billed is [TOTAL_AMOUNT]
[1ST_AMOUNT] is billed now. Three more payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS] will be billed monthly from 01/07/2025. Total amount billed is [TOTAL_AMOUNT].
Four monthly payments
from 01/07/2025 on
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